A World Where Rhinos Thrive in the Wild

Our vision

Fighting for survival

We’re Fighting for their survival

Global Research

IRF is based in the United States and operates on-the-ground programs in Africa and Asia where rhinos live in the wild, supporting viable populations of the five remaining rhino species and the communities that coexist with them.

Significant Support

Through grants and field programs, IRF has funded rhino conservation efforts in 10 countries, focusing on scientific research, anti-poaching, habitat conservation, captive breeding, environmental education, and demand reduction. Over the last decade more than $20 million has been invested in rhino conservation.

Track Record

Founded in response to intense poaching of Zimbabwe’s black rhinos in the early 1990’s, IRF and supporters like you helped to virtually eliminate the threat and stabilize the population. To this day, we support conservation programs in Zimbabwe and have grown to support all five species of rhinos.


Coalition Building

IRF prioritizes collaboration. Through a network of hundreds of conservation organizations, private foundations, corporations, government agencies and individuals just like you all over the world, we achieve common goals for rhinos together. We are Team Rhino.

Community Partnership

IRF listens to local communities in close proximity to rhino populations. Working together, we engage in mutually beneficial partnerships through wildlife conservation.

Grassroots Support

IRF is building a unified front to save rhinos by engaging and activating rhino lovers around the world. Our global team of rhino conservationists is calling for an end to rhino poaching and sharing the plight of the rhino with others.


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What if we did nothing?: Measuring the impact conservation has had on the black rhino population 

In the early 1900s, Africa was home to an estimated 100,000 black rhinos. Sadly their numbers plummeted to less than…View Full Release »


Importance of annual floods in floodplain ecosystems like Kaziranga National Park in India

The state of Assam in northeastern India is blessed with two major rivers, Brahmaputra – the fourth largest river in…View Full Release »


Justice for Javan Rhinos 

In a surprising turn of events, a rhino poacher in Indonesia just received a higher sentence than what prosecutors originally…View Full Release »

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In 1989, the International Black Rhino Foundation was launched in response to a poaching crisis that many experts thought could wipe out Zimbabwe’s rhinos. Together with other conservation organizations, we were able to nearly eliminate poaching and stabilize the black rhino population in Zimbabwe. In 1993, we expanded our efforts to conserve the world’s five rhino species, all of which continue to face severe threats. Now, with programs in Africa, Indonesia and India, we are committed to ensuring that all five rhino species survive for future generations.

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