Category: India


Facing Down A Crisis

Rhinos are in Crisis Two-thirds of the world’s five rhino species could be lost in our lifetime. Rampant poaching by…View Full Release »


The Curse of the Unicorn – #NationalUnicornDay

In his book, The Future of Life, biologist Edward O. Wilson had this to say about the first time he…View Full Release »


#RallyForRangers – Interview with a Range Officer in India

Interview with Pranjal Baruah, Range Officer, Northern Range, Kaziranga National Park Why did you decide to become a Range Officer?…View Full Release »


The Spider Flower and Greater One-Horned Rhinos

The spider flower (Cleome sp.), originally from the tropics of South America, is a popular landscape plant in Europe and…View Full Release »


Indian rhinos are on the move — and you can help!

At the beginning of the 20th century, the population of Greater one-horned, or Indian, rhinos had dropped to fewer than…View Full Release »


An Incredible Comeback Story

The story of the Greater One-horned, or Indian rhino, is an incredible one. Down to fewer than 200 animals at…View Full Release »


Beginning of new era of hope for rhinos in Burhachapori-Laokhowa in Assam, India

Written by Bibhab Kumar Talukdar, IRF Asia Coordinator The second major phase of Indian Rhino Vision 2020 gained momentum on…View Full Release »


Because of You, Brand New Babies Thrive in a New Indian Rhino Population

Two weeks ago, we celebrated the birth of the 13th Indian rhino calf in Manas National Park. The newborn rhino…View Full Release »


The Upside for Indian Rhinos

The past year will go down as one of the darkest on record for rhinos. We can’t ignore this unfortunate…View Full Release »


Wild Asian Water Buffalos in Kaziranga National Park

In addition to harboring the world’s largest population of greater one-horned rhinos, India’s Kaziranga National Park is also home to…View Full Release »