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Video of Indonesia’s Newest Javan rhino Calf

October 12, 2023 The Government of Indonesia recently announced the birth of a rare Javan rhino calf in Ujung Kulon…View Full Release »


Rare Rhino Birth at Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way Kambas National Park

The Government of Indonesia has announced the birth of a Sumatran rhino at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) in Way…View Full Release »


Empowering Conservation through Early Education: Building Love and Responsibility for the Leuser Ecosystem Region

This blog was written by IRF partners in Indonesia One of the few remaining habitats of the critically endangered Sumatran…View Full Release »


A Hopeful Outcome for 2,000 White Rhinos

Earlier this week, African Parks, a nonprofit conservation organization working in 12 countries across Africa, announced their acquisition of 2,000…View Full Release »


Smart Collars and Rhino Conservation

Learn how rhino-carrying reserves in South Africa, particularly the Eastern Cape, are using rhino collar technology to detect and transmit abnormal rhino behavior in real-time.


Wildlife Crime Manual to Help Rhinos in India

The International Rhino Foundation’s Intelligence Specialist, Rahul Dutta, is working to increase the number of successful prosecutions and convictions in India through the publication of a comprehensive Wildlife Crime Investigation Manual.


Inspiring the Next Generation of Rhino Conservationists

IRF works with multiple partners across rhino range states to engage the local community in conservation efforts and facilitate their efforts to become active partners in wildlife protection.


How Plastic Pollution is Harming Rhinos

Recent findings in Chitwan National Park in Nepal have highlighted a troubling trend that may threaten the greater one-horned rhino population.


From the Field: News from the Latest Rhino Management Operation

The Lowveld Rhino Trust (LRT), our on-the-ground partners in Zimbabwe, manage the rhino monitoring program in Bubye Valley Conservancy, a…View Full Release »


How Rhino Food Can Make Art

An important part of IRF’s conservation work is partnering with local communities who live near rhinos and their habitats. Some…View Full Release »


Celebrate 5/5 by Doubling Your Donation

We’re celebrating May 5th (the 5th day of the 5th month) by raising awareness about the need to protect rhinos…View Full Release »


Belinda and Other Rhinos in Zimbabwe’s Bubye Valley are Thriving

It’s widely considered that seven years is the average age at which wild black rhino females give birth to their…View Full Release »

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