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How Plastic Pollution is Harming Rhinos

Recent findings in Chitwan National Park in Nepal have highlighted a troubling trend that may threaten the greater one-horned rhino population.


From the Field: News from the Latest Rhino Management Operation

The Lowveld Rhino Trust (LRT), our on-the-ground partners in Zimbabwe, manage the rhino monitoring program in Bubye Valley Conservancy, a…View Full Release »


How Rhino Food Can Make Art

An important part of IRF’s conservation work is partnering with local communities who live near rhinos and their habitats. Some…View Full Release »


Celebrate 5/5 by Doubling Your Donation

We’re celebrating May 5th (the 5th day of the 5th month) by raising awareness about the need to protect rhinos…View Full Release »


Belinda and Other Rhinos in Zimbabwe’s Bubye Valley are Thriving

It’s widely considered that seven years is the average age at which wild black rhino females give birth to their…View Full Release »


IRF’s 2023 Rhino Research Funding

Undertaking both applied and basic research on wild rhino populations, as well as those in captive breeding programs, is an…View Full Release »


Legal Support for Rangers | A thank you going full circle.

By Elise Serfontein, South Africa Advisor to IRF and Founding Director of Being hands on with the implementation side…View Full Release »


A New Poaching Problem in South Africa

February 27, 2023 Concerns are rising as trends show the poaching threat is moving to other areas inside and outside…View Full Release »


Third Asian Rhino Range Countries Meeting Concludes with Declaration Outlining Priorities for Rhino Conservation

The third Asian Rhino Countries Meeting concluded with the adoption of the Chitwan Declaration for Asian Rhino Conservation, 2023. The…View Full Release »


State of the Rhino Update: Rhino Poaching Nearly Doubles in Namibia

February 01, 2023 Earlier this week, officials reported that 87 rhinos were killed by poachers in Namibia last year. This…View Full Release »


State of the Rhino Update: Kenya and India’s state of Assam report zero rhino poaching losses in 2022

India’s state of Assam, where the majority of the country’s greater one-horned rhino population resides, announced they  had zero rhino…View Full Release »


Saving Rhinos

A guest blog by Kyla Laz My name is Kyla. I am nine years old and I love animals. I…View Full Release »

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