My Rhino Road Trip: Bogor Indonesia

Hi Team Rhino,
I’m Chris Whitlatch, Communications Director at IRF and your friendly rhino road tripper. I am off on magnificent trip in Indonesia and my first stop is Bogor on the Island of Java. Bogor is beautiful, with mountains in the distance, natural beauty and the electric energy of a metropolis. That is an unbeatable mix.

What was most exciting is that I was able to visit and work out of IRF’s Indonesia office. It was thrill to pull up to the office and see our familiar logo and the one-of-a-kind door bell.

I spent the day meeting my colleagues from various organizations that are tirelessly working to save rhinos across Indonesia. It was great to get updates, share ideas, and just spend time together, getting to know each of us better.
This was a great way to start my trip. I will be heading to Taman Safari before spending some time at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way Kambas National Park and then Ujong Kulon National Park, the last stronghold of the Javan rhino. Stay tuned for more updates from the field.
One thought on “My Rhino Road Trip: Bogor Indonesia”
I hope the news you share is positive.