RPUs Detect Illegal Logging while on Patrol in Way Kambas National Park

(reported by WKNP RPU Arief F., summarized by Muhammad Hanif)
This fall, the Rhino Protection Units working in Way Kambas National Park have been focusing on a particular area where they suspect an increase in illegal activity – specifically illegal logging. The RPUs discovered an active illegal logging area in August, which included a moat/trench (used to easily transport stole

n lumber by water), a canoe, and a stash of Nibung wood (Oncosperma tigillarium). Since most illegal activities are perpetrated at night, the RPUs were unable to locate the perpetrator on the same day that they discovered the stash.
RPUs discovered a second illegal logging area in September. Loggers had illegally cut and shaped Rou (Dracontomelon dao) and Nibung wood. The wood was ready for transport out of the forest, but the RPUs discovered it before the perpetrators were able to remove the wood from the park.

Illegal logging has always been a threat to WKNP. It’s a loud activity that disrupts the lives of any animals living nearby, including Sumatran rhinos. For this reason, the RPUs work diligently to patrol the entire park area – creating a strong deterrent against illegal activity. Based on these two recent findings, the RPUs are ramping up patrol efforts and practicing ambushing techniques for capturing suspects.
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