Good News for Javan Rhinos

For decades, Javan rhino population estimates have hovered around 40-50 animals in Indonesia’s Ujung Kulon National Park – the species’ final stronghold. In 2011, camera trap images suggested there were only 35-44 Javan rhinos remaining in the park. In 2013, IRF and WWF donated 140 additional camera traps to the program, enough to cover a grid encompassing the entire 466 square-mile (1,205 km2) park. The most recent camera trap data, compiled and analyzed by Ujung Kulon National Park experts and validated by an independent group from the IUCN Asian Rhino Specialist Group show that there are between 58 and 61 animals in the park – good news from previous estimates based only on partial camera coverage.
Counting rhinos, and telling them apart, is no easy task. Our colleagues in Ujung Kulon have allowed IRF to share this unique footage of some of the rarest animals on Earth with you. Sit back, settle in, and watch the story of how the Ujung Kulon Javan rhino camera trapping program works. You’ll not only see rhinos (including cows and calves) but some of the other species that benefit from IRF’s Javan Rhino Protection Unit program, including the Javan hawk-eagle, dhole, and Javan leopard.

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