Category: Greater One-Horned Rhino


Importance of annual floods in floodplain ecosystems like Kaziranga National Park in India

The state of Assam in northeastern India is blessed with two major rivers, Brahmaputra – the fourth largest river in…View Full Release »


Rhinos Return to Laokhowa and Burhachapori Wildlife Sanctuary 

Greater one-horned rhinos have returned to Assam’s Laokhowa-Burhachapori Wildlife Sanctuaries (WLS). This is the first time this imperiled species has…View Full Release »


Wildlife Crime Manual to Help Rhinos in India

The International Rhino Foundation’s Intelligence Specialist, Rahul Dutta, is working to increase the number of successful prosecutions and convictions in India through the publication of a comprehensive Wildlife Crime Investigation Manual.


How Plastic Pollution is Harming Rhinos

Recent findings in Chitwan National Park in Nepal have highlighted a troubling trend that may threaten the greater one-horned rhino population.


Third Asian Rhino Range Countries Meeting Concludes with Declaration Outlining Priorities for Rhino Conservation

The third Asian Rhino Countries Meeting concluded with the adoption of the Chitwan Declaration for Asian Rhino Conservation, 2023. The…View Full Release »


State of the Rhino Update: Kenya and India’s state of Assam report zero rhino poaching losses in 2022

India’s state of Assam, where the majority of the country’s greater one-horned rhino population resides, announced they  had zero rhino…View Full Release »


Making Room for Rhinos 

2022 has been another difficult year for rhinos and the people working to protect them. After a temporary lull in…View Full Release »


Solving a Mystery in India

It was May and the monsoon season had already begun in India. In the early morning mist, the forest guards…View Full Release »


Greater One-Horned Rhino Population Reaches New High

We’re still ‘Going Wild for Rhinos’ and today we’re celebrating a HUGE milestone for the greater one-horned rhino – the…View Full Release »


New Vehicle Provided to Orang National Park in India to Aid Conservation Efforts

The International Rhino Foundation (IRF) with its on-the ground partner, Aaranyak, recently provided a utility vehicle to Orang National Park…View Full Release »