A Look Back at 2013- The new IRF Annual Report is Now Available

Rhinos face continuously changing and intensifying challenges, which makes it more important than ever that the International Rhino Foundation reaches out, makes connections, and builds bridges with partners and supporters throughout the world. We are very grateful to count you as part of our IRF family.
There are no easy, one-size-fits-all solutions to the grave crisis at hand, and each rhino species faces unique challenges. Because of your support, the IRF can be agile enough to examine and act on encouraging solutions. We remain confident in our ability to deliver state-of-the-art rhino conservation and will continue to honor our legacy of hard work, passion, optimism, and partnership to ensure our effectiveness.
As we celebrate the small victories, we also recognize that the rhino wars are far from over. We will build on our existing programs as we move ahead in defining the IRF’s future. We will aim to amplify our strengths, expand our partnerships, and raise the rhino’s profile to create a world in which rhinos can survive well beyond our lifetime.
Thank you again for being part of our community and sharing our message with your family, friends and colleagues.
Explore our new annual report here.

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