10 Ways that You Can Help Rhinos -Right Now- From Your Phone or Computer!

We have the best rhino supporters as they’re always wanting to know how they can help and then how else they can help. Here are 10 quick and easy ways to help rhinos that you may not have thought of- you can do them from your phone wherever you are!
1. Stamp Out Extinction!

Even if you don’t still use snail mail, the Vanishing Species Stamp is a good reason to- the beautiful tiger cub illustration represents the many species this stamp helps protect- including rhinos! Plus they’re forever stamps so you can use them, well, forever! Buy the Vanishing Species stamp here and find out more about the programs the stamp supports here.
2. $$CHANGE$$ Your Search Engine

Raising change for rhinos is as easy as changing the homepage on your devices. Register with https://www.goodsearch.org/ and select IRF as your cause- for every search IRF gets a penny and it adds up fast! Bonus- if you do your shopping online their Goodshop Gives program has coupons for many of your favorite retailers AND a percentage of your purchase will be donated to IRF as well.
3. Smile 🙂 with AmazonSmile

Anyone else shop at Amazon way too much? Feel less guilty about it by starting your purchase at https://smile.amazon.com/, set International Rhino Foundation as your favorite charity and shop away- the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate a percentage of what you spent to IRF! *Pro-eco-tip: instead of buying one item at a time, add it to your wishlist as you think of it and buy several items at once to cut down on packaging 🙂
4. Worried About Habitat Loss? There’s an App for That

Palm oil is in a majority of the products we consume from shampoo to soda and unfortunately the high demand means that rainforests in Indonesia are cut down at an alarming rate to make room for palm plantations. This deforestation impacts many critically endangered species including the Sumatran rhino so the best way we can help is to buy brands that use sustainably grown palm oil or none at all. Product labels don’t tell you much about the palm oil that may or may not be in them but apps like Sustainable Palm Oil Shopping from Cheyenne Mountain Zoo let you search for products or scan a barcode to find out an item’s palm oil rating- and it’s FREE!
5. Celebrate Your Birthday Rhino-Style!

As your birthday approaches, Facebook will ask you if you want to start a fundraiser- why not pick the IRF? It’s as easy as clicking a few buttons and you can share your love of rhinos with all your friends (and your former lab partner from 10th grade biology class). Don’t want to wait for your birthday? You don’t have to! Just go to https://www.facebook.com/InternationalRhinoFoundation/ and click “Create Fundraiser” to start anytime.
6. Dust off Your Bowling Ball

The American Association of Zookeepers hosts events like Bowling For Rhinos all across the US and Canada and raises a lot of money every year for IRF’s conservation projects. You don’t need to be a zookeeper to attend an event, you just need to like FUN! To find an upcoming event near you, check out the Events tab on our Facebook page or go to https://aazk.org/ to find your local AAZK chapter and see what events they host throughout the year.
7. See a Rhino at the Zoo!
Ok so visiting your local zoo is best done in person, BUT you can become a member of your zoo online! Most zoo memberships come with year-round admission, merch discounts, access to exclusive members-only events and more. The breeding and research programs in zoos are critical to the survival of many species, so show your support by adding a zoo membership to your list of subscriptions! Find a reputable zoo near you here: https://www.aza.org/find-a-zoo-or-aquarium
8. KIT (Keep in Touch) with Your Representatives

You already know how important voting is but in the mean time, keep track of proposed legislation that impacts endangered species with sites like https://www.govtrack.us/ and apps like Countable. They figure out who your reps are and make it SO EASY to get in touch with them and have your voice heard. For example, a bill introduced to Congress called the SAVES Act would remove rhinos and all non-native species from the protections of the Endangered Species Act- with three of the five remaining rhino species now critically endangered, they need all the help they can get! With a few clicks, you can tell your reps exactly what you think about issues important to you.
9. Take a Rhino Home with You (Virtually)
All of the rhinos at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Indonesia are up for adoption and while they have to stay there, you can digitally adopt one (or all of them!) here. Your donation provides the rhinos with food, veterinary services and supplies for the Rhino Protection Units to take care of them. Also, browse our online shop for official IRF and #TeamRhino gear or make a donation anytime at https://rhinos.org/give/ – 93% of each contribution goes directly to field work! That gives us a Gold Seal of Transparency with GuideStar and a Four Star Rating with Charity Navigator.
10. Stay Informed and Spread the Word!
So you already do all of the above, are a member of #TeamRhino, follow all our social media accounts, AND subscribe to our blog and e-newsletter? THANK YOU! Pat yourself on the back and don’t forget to SHARE with your friends and family all the great things you love about rhinos and the International Rhino Foundation. Help us spread the message about the crisis that rhinos in the wild are facing and all that can be done to help them!
4 thoughts on “10 Ways that You Can Help Rhinos -Right Now- From Your Phone or Computer!”
Thank you for compiling this info into one round-up style post! Shared on FB!
Thank you for sharing Kate!
What is the cost of adoption?
Hi Scott, we have three adopt options: Adopt for one day for $50
Adopt for one week for $250
Adopt for one month for $500