We’re shouting it from the rooftops – THANK YOU!

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All of us at the International Rhino Foundation would like to thank you for your support this past year. Without your contributions of time, money, positive energy, and generous thoughts, we could not have accomplished all we did in 2016. Your gifts, large and small – from the heart – have helped rhinos all over the world.
Your gifts gave hope to our steadfast rhino rangers in Indonesia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and India – many of whom face off almost daily against armed gangs of poachers to protect rhinos. Your donation provided much-needed support to these front-line heroes working every day to keep rhinos safe.
As we reflect back on 2016, we recognize you — the amazing, inspiring and passionate community of people we are privileged to count as part of our rhino family. We appreciate your support and wish you great joy, abundance and well being in 2017!
Warm regards,
Susie Ellis, Executive Director
International Rhino Foundation