Tag: Greater One-Horned Rhino


Importance of annual floods in floodplain ecosystems like Kaziranga National Park in India

The state of Assam in northeastern India is blessed with two major rivers, Brahmaputra – the fourth largest river in…View Full Release »


Rhinos Return to Laokhowa and Burhachapori Wildlife Sanctuary 

Greater one-horned rhinos have returned to Assam’s Laokhowa-Burhachapori Wildlife Sanctuaries (WLS). This is the first time this imperiled species has…View Full Release »


Wildlife Crime Manual to Help Rhinos in India

The International Rhino Foundation’s Intelligence Specialist, Rahul Dutta, is working to increase the number of successful prosecutions and convictions in India through the publication of a comprehensive Wildlife Crime Investigation Manual.


How Plastic Pollution is Harming Rhinos

Recent findings in Chitwan National Park in Nepal have highlighted a troubling trend that may threaten the greater one-horned rhino population.


A Record Breaking World Rhino Day

Every year on September 22nd, the International Rhino Foundation recognizes World Rhino Day as day of awareness for the threats…View Full Release »


How to Help Rhinos on World Rhino Day

Since 2011, World Rhino Day has been celebrated internationally on September 22nd. The International Rhino Foundation recognizes World Rhino Day…View Full Release »


2020 State Of The Rhino

The impacts of COVID-19 have been felt across the world. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe…View Full Release »


Together We Persevere – IRF’s 2019 Annual Report

Rhinos face challenges every year and 2019 was no different. Poaching pressure intensified in certain areas of southern Africa. Sumatran…View Full Release »


2019 State of the Rhino Report: Efforts in India and Nepal lead to increases in the numbers of the greater one-horned rhino

This is the third post in the 2019 State of the Rhino Report series. View previous posts: Report Highlights and…View Full Release »


2019 State of the Rhino Report: 10-Year Improvement in World Rhino Populations Offers Cautious Hope

The International Rhino Foundation (IRF) has released the 2019 State of the Rhino Report. The report details the impacts on…View Full Release »