Category: research


How Science is Being Used to Secure a Brighter Future for Black Rhinos in Namibia

This blog was written by IRF partner, Minnesota Zoo Foundation The International Rhino Foundation (IRF) supports rhino conservationists and scientists around…View Full Release »


IRF’s 2023 Rhino Research Funding

Undertaking both applied and basic research on wild rhino populations, as well as those in captive breeding programs, is an…View Full Release »


Healthy Rhino, Happy Rhino

Nothing is quite like analyzing the health and wellbeing of a 5,000 pound white rhino while it is translocated in…View Full Release »


Rhino Resource Center Surpasses Major Milestone

If you are a rhino lover that soaks up every piece of information you can get your hands on, then…View Full Release »


Strides in Assisted Reproductive Techniques for Rhinoceros: What do they Signify?

This post has been updated as of January 15, 2020. There is no easy answer for ensuring the survival of…View Full Release »


White Rhinos: The Most Social Rhinoceros

Besides mating and raising calves, most rhinos are solitary animals with limited tolerance for others- the exception being the White…View Full Release »