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Crisis Zimbabwe Update: April 21, 2009

Meet the Orphans – Part 1 The Lowveld Rhino Trust is currently raising five black rhino orphans, all of whom…View Full Release »


Crisis Zimbabwe Update: April 14, 2008

On Monday, March 30th, Zimbabwean scouts, responding to shots, located poachers’ tracks, following a group of three rhinos — a…View Full Release »


2009 Rhinos in Focus photo contest winners announced!

Thank you to all who participated in our first ever photo contest. Over 190 wonderful photos were submitted. See the…View Full Release »


Time Magazine's Ten Species on the Brink

Many of the planet’s most endangered animals are also its remarkable. Here are a few of nature’s superstars from Asia, the Americas, the Pacific and elsewhere that may soon be no more.


Crisis Zimbabwe Update – April 8, 2009

With the help of many, a young orphan survives In 2008, a young rhino calf, later called “Carla“, was shot…View Full Release »


Follow the 2009 rhino census at Kaziranga National Park in India

Greater One-horned rhino. Photo by Gerard Lacz. Follow the 2009 rhino census at Kaziranga National Park in India, home to…View Full Release »


Crisis: Zimbabwe Update: April 6, 2009

Our Truly Dedicated Rhino Team We are so fortunate to have an incredibly experienced, dedicated and passionate team in Zimbabwe,…View Full Release »


Rhino Conservation Medicine Program Update

Rhinos at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) in Way Kambas National Park Because there are so few Sumatran rhinoceros managed in…View Full Release »


Crisis Zimbabwe Update – April 2, 2009

Another Rhino Killed A young female black rhino, called “Umlali” by the Lowveld Rhino Trust monitors, was shot by poachers…View Full Release »


Crisis: Zimbabwe Update: March 30, 2009

Poachers Target Black Rhino Mother After Killing Her Calf The sixteen-month-old calf of Sinikwe was killed by poachers on the…View Full Release »


Crisis: Zimbabwe Update March 23, 2009

Rhinos in Zimbabwe are now being specifically targeted and killed by poachers for their horns, often leaving behind calves that are still nursing and cannot survive on their own.


Crisis Zimbabwe: Poaching Threatens Rhinos' Survival

Rhino poaching deaths nearly doubled in 2008 – and these are only the deaths we know about! And, only two months into 2009, more poaching deaths have already occurred this year than during the entire twelve months of 2006.

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