Five Rhinos. Five Resolutions.

Give rhinos a hand by embracing these magnificent creatures as part of your New Year’s resolutions. What one thing will you do to make a difference for rhinos this coming year? We’re gathering photos to show our collective resolve to give rhinos a hand in 2014.
Here are some of the rhino resolutions already “in hand”.
1. Choose your rhino resolution! There are lots of ways to give rhinos a hand. Do you want to STOP POACHING NOW? Or GIVE $5 A MONTH to help protect all five species? Maybe you want to SEE A RHINO IN THE WILD!
2. Take a photo of your hand with all five rhino species — white, black, Indian, Sumatran and Javan — written on your fingers and your rhino resolution written on your palm.
3. Share your rhino resolution by posting your photo to Facebook, Twitter or Flickr. Make sure you tag it with #5rhinos5resolutions. Visit IRF on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr to show how you will give rhinos a hand in 2014!
With your help, the IRF made a huge difference for rhinos and the wild places they share with other species, including people. We can keep the momentum going and achieve even more in 2014 – with your help. Please consider a year-end gift today.