Category: Rhino Protection Units


Crisis Zimbabwe Update – May 26, 2009

On Sunday, May 10th, our rhino monitors were tracking a black rhino cow called Three and her 12 month old…View Full Release »


Crisis: Zimbabwe Update March 23, 2009

Rhinos in Zimbabwe are now being specifically targeted and killed by poachers for their horns, often leaving behind calves that are still nursing and cannot survive on their own.


Crisis Zimbabwe: Poaching Threatens Rhinos' Survival

Rhino poaching deaths nearly doubled in 2008 – and these are only the deaths we know about! And, only two months into 2009, more poaching deaths have already occurred this year than during the entire twelve months of 2006.


Looking for Rhino Footprints in Peninsula Malaysia

My name is Maman Suherman or my friends call me Maman.  I have been a member of the Rhino Protection…View Full Release »


RPU Community Outreach Activity to Protect Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

My name is Marsum; I am an RPU member. I work in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBS) in Sumatra. One of my duties is helping with community outreach activities in BBS. This activity is not the main job of RPUs but is becoming an important component to help us to engage local villages and communities, and especially farmers.