Ways to Give

Rhino Guardians

What footprints will you leave behind?

Rhinos have walked the earth for more than 50 million years, and by including the International Rhino Foundation (IRF) in your will or other estate plans you will help us make sure these magnificent animals survive for years to come. 

Making a planned gift to IRF is one of the easiest and most flexible ways to create a conservation legacy that reflects your values – and to support wildlife conservation for future generations.

A gift through your estate plan will cost nothing during your lifetime, but will provide invaluable benefits for rhinos and the brave people working to protect them. The amount of the gift is exempt from estate taxes which can provide tax savings for your family and heirs.

Get started below or contact the Planned Giving Team at the International Rhino Foundation at DONATE@RHINOS.ORG to discuss your giving options.

Types of Gifts


Name the International Rhino Foundation as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan or as the beneficiary on an insurance policy and contribute to protect the rhinos you love while avoiding the double taxation your retirement savings would incur should you leave it to your heir(s). Fill out a form through your plan administrator to designate IRF to receive all or a portion of the balance of your plan. Beneficiary designations can be changed or revoked at any time without a penalty, and your regular lifetime withdrawals will not be affected.


You can name the International Rhino Foundation as a direct beneficiary of specific assets including cash, securities, real estate and personal property or a portion of your estate.

“I have worked to save rhinos my whole life, but I also want to have a future impact. Leaving a gift in my will to IRF gives me that opportunity.”

– Patrick Condy



Choosing to leave a legacy gift is possibly one of the most generous acts you can undertake. 

IRF’s Rhino Guardians is a group of forward-thinking supporters who have chosen to stand up for rhinos and their future by naming IRF as a beneficiary in their estate plans. It is a way for us to recognize your profound commitment to IRF’s vision of a world where rhinos thrive in the wild. 

As an expression of our gratitude for your generous and enduring contribution to conservation, Rhino Guardians will be granted exclusive privileges, including:

  • Personalized membership certificate
  • Access to special publications 
  • Invitation to exclusive events such as donor only VIP tours of rhino reserves
  • Recognition in IRF’s Annual Impact Report

You can name IRF as a beneficiary of your estate, life insurance policy, financial account or retirement plan.

If you have already included IRF in your will or estate plan, please email us at DONATE@RHINOS.ORG and let us know! We would like to welcome you to the Legacy Society at IRF, and thank you for your dedication to preserving rhinos and your foresight in providing for their future. Sharing your plan places you under no obligation and all wishes for anonymity will be honored.

Questions? Contact the planned giving team at the International Rhino Foundation at DONATE@RHINOS.ORG to discuss your particular planned giving goals.


What information do I need to include in my will or trust to leave a gift to IRF?

Include a short, written clause in your will or trust listing The International Rhino Foundation as a direct beneficiary of whichever assets you wish to donate. Please include IRF’s legal address and tax identification number. For example: 

I give ______ (%, amount or asset) to the International Rhino Foundation (Tax ID/EIN: 75-2395006), located at 201 Main Street, Suite 2600, Fort Worth, TX,  76102.

You can download additional sample language to use in your will or trust here.

What type of assets can I donate to IRF in my will or trust?

You can make a specific donation of cash, securities, real estate or personal property, or donate a portion of your total estate. You can also make a residual bequest (donating all or a portion of the remainder of the estate after all other debts, taxes and commitments have been paid) or a contingent bequest (donating all or a portion of the estate on the condition of other events occurring, such as if a spouse or other heir predeceases you).

I want to leave my land or home to IRF in my will. How do I do that?

Please designate IRF as the beneficiary of the property sale.

Can I name IRF as a beneficiary of other accounts?

Yes, you can name IRF as a beneficiary of any retirement savings plan, including 401(k) and 503(b) plans and IRAs. You can also name IRF as the beneficiary of an insurance policy or any bank or brokerage account. Simply contact your plan administrator to ask how to designate IRF to receive all or a portion of the balance of your account, and provide our full legal name, address and tax identification number.

The International Rhino Foundation

201 Main Street, Suite 2600, Fort Worth, TX  76102

Tax ID: 75-2395006

Who can I contact for more information?

Contact IRF’s Planned Giving Team at donate@rhinos.org or 540-465-9595 for more information.

IRF urges you to consult with your legal and/or financial advisor to help you decide what sort of bequest to make, to make sure that your will is legal and valid for your country, and to make sure that you can take advantage of appropriate tax savings.